Giving Back Initiatives
Corderman & Company is committed to supporting a multitude of philanthropic ventures ranging from local community service to being the founding sponsor for the nonprofit, the Usher Syndrome Society.
Corderman & Company cares deeply about people, the planet, and pursuing causes that facilitate meaningful change in our local and greater communities.
Over the years, we have developed a close relationship with the Tynan Elementary school in South Boston, donating school supplies and backpacks at the start of the school year, and providing crucial classroom renovations to ensure the students have a comfortable environment to learn.
Members of the Corderman team have also traveled to Utah to volunteer at the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, to South Carolina to contribute to the Hurricane Joaquin flood response, and to Texas to rebuild after Hurricane Harvey.
Corderman & Company is proud to be a founding sponsor of the Usher Syndrome Society, raising awareness and funds to cure deaf-blindness.
The Usher Syndrome Society is a non-profit that uses the Arts to raise awareness and funding for treatments and a cure for Usher syndrome (USH). Usher syndrome is the most common genetic cause of combined deafness and blindness. An estimated 400,000 people worldwide are affected by USH, with only 1% identified.
David Corderman, Founder of Corderman & Company, has two children with Usher syndrome.