Reflecting on Successful Partnerships

Corderman takes pride in delivering high quality products and unparalleled services to clients. The success of a job is not just defined by the completion of the buildout. It also relies on the partnerships established during the project and maintained long after the space has been built. Corderman & Company’s 22 years in the construction industry in Boston have been comprised of an abundance of notable stories and relationships with industry partners and clients. Receiving testimonials and positive feedback from our clients is an incredibly rewarding experience.

The following two testimonials are merely a small sampling of a much larger collection of reflections on the qualities that set Corderman & Company apart and reasons for the firm’s continued success in the industry.

A graphic titled "The Colony Group" features a black and white image of a building on the left, a testimonial in the center, the logo beneath, and a photo on the right side. The symmetrical photo has to green chairs, an abstract rug and plants.
A graphic titled "Cybereason" with a black and white building on the left, the address under the title, a testimonial quote, and the Corderman logo underneath.
The black reception desk of Cybereason, whose logo is lit up in a pinkish hue behind the desk. The walls to the left are wooden, a conference room behind glass is to the right, further in the background of the image you can see a view of Boston.



Barrie Y. Ferraro

Director of Business Development



LinkSquares Office Build-Out


Corderman Named on BBJ’s Largest GCs in MA List