Corderman & Company Embarks on Annual Provincetown Excursion

A group of Corderman employees out to eat on their P-Town trip. Outdoors on a patio sitting at wooden picnic tables under umbrellas

This year the Corderman team continued their annual tradition of heading across the harbor to Provincetown, MA to enjoy a beautiful summer day on the beach and exploring the town. This tradition is a great way for the Corderman team to connect with each other and with the local community and culture.

The team enjoyed a delicious dinner on the water at The Canteen, one of many incredible, local businesses Corderman & Company has been fortunate enough to develop a relationship with over the years.

The Corderman team had a smooth ride over to P-town on the Boston Harbor City Cruises ferry, which provided a discounted ticket rate in June in honor of PRIDE month. Corderman & Company chose to donate these savings to BAGLY, Inc., a Boston based youth led, adult supported organization committed to social justice, and creating, sustaining and advocating for programs, policies and services for the LGBTQ+ youth community.

We are already looking forward to our trip next year!

A Sunset view from the back of a boat. Open ocean with the wake from the boat trailing behind. Topped with a dark blue sky with hints of yellow and orange between the clouds



Barrie Y. Ferraro

Director of Business Development



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