Firm Switches to New Safety Helmets Amidst Safety Campaign

With an array of active job sites throughout the city, Corderman & Company understands the magnitude of their presence in the city and recognizes the importance of keeping all team members, trade partners, clients, and visitors safe when on a Corderman & Company site. The Corderman team is constantly striving to exceed safety standards and to approach safety with a proactive, preventative mindset.

As part of the efforts to improve job site safety, Corderman & Company made the switch from traditional hard hats to new safety helmets, which feature a chin strap and a visor attachment. Original hard hats have been the industry standard since 1970, when OSHA was established and safety regulations went into effect. While this version of the hard hat has served to protect workers from threats from above, such as dropped objects or flying debris, they have fallen short in defending against other common job site accidents: slips, trips, and falls.

The top four hazard for interior construction, also known as OSHA’s Fatal Four, include Falls, Caught-In or -Between, Struck-By, Electrocution. Corderman & Company recognized the need for a migration to the safety helmet, which serves as a more adept version of the hard hat, offering the ability to protect against a more diverse set of job site safety hazards.

Corderman & Company employees sit at tables and watch as an instructor assists team members as they practice CPR on dummies on the ground.

Additional efforts to promote and increase safety included a First Aid & CPR course, which was attended by all Corderman team members. This course offered every member of Corderman & Company the opportunity to renew or obtain First Aid & CPR certifications and provided them the necessary, basic skills to respond to an emergency on the job site. Coinciding with Construction Safety Week, the timing of this course supported the company’s overall shift to a deeper awareness and understanding of job site safety.

Corderman & Company team members sit in rows of chairs while attending their company-wide safety meeting.

Corderman & Company also held a company-wide Safety Meeting, where the implementation of new strategies and updates to safety procedures were discussed in detail. A review of Procore features as they relate to safety was at the forefront of the conversation, emphasizing the software’s ability to provide easy access to up-to-date information and identify and attain feedback on specific job site safety concerns.

Ultimately, Corderman & Company recognizes the continuous need for both a stringent and in-depth safety program as well as team members who are actively engaging in and promoting these practices throughout the job site.




Barrie Y. Ferraro

Director of Business Development



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